Lend Your Support

In order for Celebrating Brit Shalom to have a major impact, we need it to spark a national discussion. We'd love to take advantage of crucial opportunities in 2016. Any contribution made is deeply appreciated. Your name will be added to our list of supporters (upon your express approval). You can always contribute anonymously, if you wish. 

Generous support for our project has helped us to:

* Gift books to rabbis, synagogues, and Jewish organizations. 

* Attend the Union for Reform Judaism Biennial in Orlando, Florida (November 2015), where we had a booth showcasing our book to thousands of conference attendees. 

* Take part in the Jewish Book Council author event in New York (May 2015) where we brought widespread attention to our book within the publishing industry. 

* Hold a Kickstarter campaign (successfully funded August 1, 2014) which helped to publicize our book and raise funds for its completion.  

Elijah Backers

These angel backers have contributed $500 or more toward our project, or have offered in-kind contributions in an amount at or above the $500 level.

The Barefoot Intactivist
David J. Bernstein
Doctors Opposing Circumcision
T. Campbell Jackson
Brian Levitt
Martin Novoa

Karen Schneider
Richard Schwartzman
George Vuckovic
Olivier Zimmermann



Craig Adams
Melissa Batavia
Meike Beier
Erin Bendle
Christina Bharara
Larissa Black
Rebecca Boni
Jeff Borg
Elisa Braver
Kathy Bridges
Betsy Brown
Brian Brown
Amy Butz
Tanya Cain
Claire Callow
Georgia Cassel
Georganne Chapin
Ronald Codron
Barbara Cohen
Chelsea Collonge
Mary Conant
Lydia Currie
Carrie Dahlby
Victoria Dobbs
Lise Donnelly
Miriam Eber
Jamie Edmund
Carolyn Edwards
Rich Eide
Margo Engels
Lynn Epstein
Judith Erlich
Laurie Evans
Arlis Feidt
Jessica Ferrari
Jeremy Fitzpatrick
Jonathan Friedman
Amira Gaynor
Matthew Gazda
Leonard Glick
Ronald Goldman
Heidi Raker Goldstein
Michael Goldstein
Stephen Gough
David Grant
Nardy Grun
Rachel Hanses
Lucy Harris
Greg Hartley
Ann Hoey
Elizabeth Hoskins
Nancy Jay
Suzanne Jenkins
Amanda Jones
Martha Jones
Brother K
Emily Kapit
Tina Kimmel
Jeremy Kung
Marshall Lamm
Melinda Lawson
Brian Leaf
Kathleen Legler
Everett Leiter
Nina Lesowitz
Michele Lieban Levine
Gillian Longley
Sheila Malcolm
Tabitha Merriam
Marilyn Milos
Beatrice Moss
Deborah Moss
Mark Moss
David Paxson
Lil Peck
Anna Ponomareva
Dean Radcliffe
Rayzel Raphael
Deborah Kahane Rego
Bertha Reilly
Joanne Rocklin
Martha Roth
Kirsten Ruhs
BJ Saul
Elisabeth Schlessinger
Cyril Seck
Jerome Segal
Deborah Silver
James Snyder
Tora Spigner
Rebecca Steinfeld
Daniel Strandjord
Karen Straus
Diane Targovnik
Wintersong Tashlin
Aubrey Taylor
Matthew Taylor
Judy Thurber
Paul Turkeltaub
William Tyson
Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon
Courtney Vine
Sarah Virginia
Caroline Warren
Francelle Wax
Matthew Weyer
Angela Woerner
Deborah Woods
Janice Woodward
Shelley Wright
Kristine Wyatt
Linda Zucker
9 Anonymous Backers